Monday, January 7, 2013

Province of Manitoba Unveils Anti-Bullying Plan Aimed at Youth

The province recently came out with an anti-bully plan. While I believe it's a step in the right direction, it just seems a little unrealistic.

While instituting laws to protect children may promote adult intervention, they become ineffective due to the CanadianYoung Offenders Act. When the consequences can't be enforced, and the youth of Canada are well aware of their rights and privileges under this act, this seems to be an ineffective route to dealing with the problem.

While I agree that awareness is a part of the solution, it is not in itself the solution. We are aware of bullying…anyone who went to, or goes to, school is aware of bullying.

I am 39 years old and was bullied in school. Not just high school, I was bullied in elementary and all the way to grade nine. I was small for the age, barely 5 feet tall and maybe 90 pounds. I was bullied by “friends”, groups and older kids. Now I don’t remember, and not that it is some excuse that warrants being bullied, if I would mouth off prior to these instances, but I do remember that I would run away a lot. I lived 1 km from school and would often run all the way home. If I was caught I would cower and wait for them to loosen their grip. Then I would strike them as hard as I could and run some more, hoping they didn't catch me. I used multiple routes to get home safe. I remember my mother bringing me back to school and complaining about the way I was being treated. I don't remember if there were ever any real consequences for my bullies.

Once I hit grade nine, I grew to 5’9” and 170 pounds. I caught up and passed my bullies and unfortunately took revenge by fighting them. I admit that I did become a bit of a bully, and I threw around my new found size. I have since found those people and apologized.

As I matured, so did my reasoning and my understanding of right and wrong. If I saw someone being bullied or victimized, and I felt I could intervene to stop it then I would. 
I have children who have been victimized by bullies, and as a parent I have stepped in where necessary. My children are in martial arts and sports to build their confidence and ability to stand up for themselves and what is right. I have educated them as to what is proper internet use and how unforgiving the internet can be. They are both teenagers now at 13 and 15. Do I still worry…absolutely. Do I talk to them regularly about acceptable behavior both on and off the computer? You bet I do!!

We have identified that bullying is a growing problem and yesterday was the time to find a solution. We need to get to the root of the problem. The article of the province's new plan is starting at the end of the problem and is working backwards to a solution. This will take too much time.

I'm sure my experience is not unique. I'm sure there are tons of children and adults that can remember when they were the victims of bullying. We need to educate our children from a young age all the way up to the time they graduate and enter the workforce. Include the effects of bullying as part of the curriculum at all grade levels. In history, point out the bully-like behavior of oppressive regimes like Hitler’s. Discuss what may have happened to him as a child to create such hatred.

We took a strong stand against racism in the early 90’s, and the tool was education. We now stand against intolerance due to sexual orientation, and the tool was once again education.

Given that we now know that education is probably the most effective tool to combat this epidemic, why would we waste time and money coming up with laws that can't be utilized effectively as a consequence? We need to empower our children with the knowledge to combat this form of intolerance. We may not reach all of them, but if we reach enough that are willing to stand up together against the bullies, eventually there will be no bullies to stand up against.

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